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Using the art & science of story to help you connect & collaborate

Leading Change

"The best way to get humans to venture into unknown terrain is to make the terrain familiar and desirable by taking them there first in their imagination."

Noel Tichy

In a world filled with constant change, a vital part of leadership is preparing others for the challenges that may lie ahead. Because the future is unknown, this type of narrative is the most difficult one to master but key to successful change management. We can help you build the stories that facilitate transformational change.

Tell Us Your Story

Mustard Seed takes a different approach to organizational and learning development needs. We believe that story is central to the way people think and process information and therefore plays a key role in any enterprise or endeavor. We help clients learn how to think with stories to make transformational and lasting personal and organizational change. Storytelling does not replace analytic thinking, but supplements it, helping you to imagine new perspectives and solutions, support change, and spur innovation.

However, it is important to know how to tell the right story, at the right time, in the right way, to get the right effect

Contact us to explore how we can help your organization go from good to great by harnessing the power of narratives.

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